Gas Grills, Gas Fireplaces and Accessories

Grills, Fireplaces, and Stoves Blog - Boston, Sudbury MA

Outdoor Kitchens: It’s Not Too Early to Start Planning – Sudbury, Boston, MA

Joseph Coupal - Friday, January 27, 2017

West Sport in Sudbury, MAIt may be January, but many homeowners in the Boston area are planning their outdoor space, namely outdoor kitchens. If you want your patio to be more entertaining-ready this spring, keep on reading.

How to create an outdoor kitchen in your yard.

Check the Connections

In preparation for the renovation, clear the space of old furniture and a worn-out grill. Check to see if the existing utility connections are already in place. Before connecting or turning on utility lines, always check with your local utility or codes office to see whether professional service installation is required.

Clear the Space

Rip out the existing walls if necessary to make space for the new kitchen island. Removing it opens up the space and eliminates a potential safety hazard; never place combustible materials such as wood near a source of heat.

Purchase the Outdoor Kitchen Equipment.

Built-in grills and outdoor kitchen islands are modular and can be designed to custom-fit your space. The components attach together, using brackets and screws, Made of steel construction, these outdoor kitchen components are extremely attractive and entirely weather-proof. Food-prep areas can be tiled for a smooth, flat work surface. There are all kinds of components available such as built-in gas grills, charcoal grills, bars, sinks, refrigerators, countertops and more.

For more information, contact West Sport in Sudbury where we offer 15% off the entire project.

Wood Burning and Gas Burning Fireplace Options – Boston, Sudbury, MA

Joseph Coupal - Friday, January 20, 2017

West Sport in Sudbury, MACold weather in the forecast is a great excuse to light up the fireplace and stay in with a thick blanket and a steaming cup of tea.

For many, it may be as simple as flipping a switch to get that fireplace roaring.

More people are leaning toward gas. More people are choosing wood-burning fireplaces. You might see it more in rural areas, where they have wood-burning stoves to provide warmth.

But despite the movement from the old-school wood-burning fireplaces to the gas varieties, much of the trend still lies in the homeowner’s preference. Sometimes it’s a matter of being the right time to update the masonry fireplace, transition to an easier-to-maintain option or increase efficiency.

Choosing the right fireplace depends on the needs of the homeowner and possible restrictions related to the space and age of a home, but it’s always a good idea to talk to a retailer before making some decisions.

Because these projects require attention with gas lines, most people, even DIY-enthusiasts, will hire qualified plumbers to make sure everything is installed correctly.

Some of the best-sellers include the gas log set, which offers the appearance of a traditional fireplace — with “burning logs” — fitted into an existing fireplace. The vented gas log sets can start at a couple hundred dollars, but prices will climb with the size of the logs and existing fireplace. Other versions, such as the direct-vented fireplaces or free-standing vent-free options offer more efficiency while heating and can start around $350.

It’s like buying a car. You can buy one with a steering wheel and four wheels or you can buy the whole shebang with manual or remote set-ups, styles and sizes.

Direct-vented options seem to be more popular because of the different styles and models available.

A wide range of glass beads and stones can replace the traditional appearance of burning logs, as well as different designs to fit any style or theme. Customers can choose from modern to contemporary finishes or change the panels to various colors and materials that add to the ambiance of a roaring fire.

There are even some with lights that can change colors in the background.

Gas fireplaces, which can use natural gas or liquid propane, offer homeowners added peace of mind, too, because there is no creosote build-up, a byproduct created from wood-burning fires that can potentially cause chimney fires.

When you’re using natural gas, there is no issue of creating creosote, so there isn’t a need to get the chimney cleaned. As a rule of thumb, when it comes to wood-burning fireplaces, you want to look at having it serviced annually to be safe.

As for the gas options, maintenance is minimal. All things considered — how often it is used and for how long — homeowners are often interested in upgrading their gas fireplace before needing to replace it.

If you’ve got a traditional fireplace at home, there are so many options for wood. Each variety offers varying levels of smoke, heat, flavor and aroma. There are several options to choose from. The species of wood will determine the warmth of a fire, length of time it burns and whether it pops and crackles.

For more information and help choosing the right option for your home, contact West Sport in Sudbury.

Fireplace Inserts are Stylish and Efficient Heating Options - Boston, Sudbury, MA

Joseph Coupal - Friday, January 13, 2017

West Sport in Sudbury, Fireplace insertsIt's that time of year where we want to relax inside and stay cozy and warm. What better way to do that than in front of a beautiful fireplace?

West Sport in Sudbury has so many fireplace insert options and styles that will add some flare, and heat your home. Come on in and check out all the stylish and efficient options for inserts for fireplaces that can be added to your home in order to make your home and your fireplace more efficient and more attractive.

The fireplace inserts at West Sport in Sudbury can be fueled by either wood or gas, whichever best suites your lifestyle and your home. Gas is more convenient because with a flick of a switch, a fire is started. Wood is obviously more traditional, with the crackle and pop of a real wood fire. It is also a better heat source than gas.

These fireplace inserts not only look great, but they're also efficient in heating your home. While open fireplaces aren't ideal for heating the entire home, with inserts a fireplace is a good zone heater, it can efficiently heat a large area in any home.

For more information, contact West Sport in Sudbury.

Fox News

Happy New Year from The Fireplace and Grill Shop at West Sport in Sudbury!

Joseph Coupal - Friday, January 06, 2017

The Fireplace and Grill Shop at West Sport in SudburyA fresh new year has arrived once again. It’s the time to be thankful for everything we have and for everything we have achieved in the past year. But it is also time to start new, start strong, and accomplish everything we want to do this year.

It is also time for us to say “Thank You” for our success last year. If you are an existing associate, we have enjoyed working with you. If we are just embarking on a new relationship with you in 2017, we look forward to the opportunity. We are excited for what we all can achieve in 2017.

The New Year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written. We can help write that story by setting goals. – Melody Beattie

Happy New Year from The Fireplace and Grill Shop at West Sport in Sudbury!

