Gas Grills, Gas Fireplaces and Accessories

Where You Buy a Wood Burning Stove is Very Important

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

If you are looking for a new wood burning stove or wood burning fireplace insert, there are many ways to research which one would be best for your home.  The manufacturer’s literature and web sites, friends and neighbors all have an opinions; but an experienced dealer is your most valuable resource. Your neighborhood wood stove dealer will make every effort to fit you to the right wood stove.  Your local dealer does not want you to be unhappy and wants you to be safe and satisfied and to tell your friends.

Wood stove dealers heat their own homes with wood. Big box stores can’t  use their own products at home and will not have much practical operating experience. A dealer can answer your questions and troubleshoot chimney or draft issues.

What product you buy is as important as where you buy it. Most “A” wood stoves lines are extended only to the “A” dealerships who agree to displaying and servicing terms and who attend dealer training sessions. The large home improvement stores sell less expensive products, and only during the winter. They can offer rock bottom pricing but “service after the sale” is usually non-existent or via a 1-800 number, not from the big box store itself.

Buy local and buy from a knowledgeable established dealer to avoid the frustration of owning a wood burning stove or fireplace insert with no support.

Looking for a new wood stove or insert? Contact West Sport in Sudbury where service before and after the sale matters.